Animals have been considered to be the primary source of protein for very long, and not wrongfully so. However, with the growing rise in veganism, a need for quality plant based protein has surfaced to appease those who are either lactose intolerant or have an aversion towards using animal-based food items. Plant based items like soy, pulses and nuts have grown in popularity and are widely being used as a substitute to the animal based products. In this blog, HiTrendSetter will talk about what plant based protein products are and where you can find them for yourself.
Why Plant Based Proteins?
Protein quantity is only half the story; quality is equally important. For our bodies to obtain the nine essential amino acids they require, we must eat protein-rich foods. Eating a range of plant proteins offers the same benefits in a healthier packaging, even though meat is a “complete” protein since it includes all the necessary.
Furthermore, plant-based protein supplements don’t involve the usage of hazardous animal products and are sustainable. Certain plant-based foods, like quinoa and soy beans, are complete proteins, meaning they have all nine of the necessary amino acids required by humans. Eating a diversified diet is crucial since some people lack certain amino acids in their body.
Enzymes that facilitate digestion, such as papain and bromelain, are also included in plant-based protein powders which aid in digestion and eradicate prominent digestive issues like bloating and constipation.
Plant Protein Vs Animal Protein
For the longest time medical researchers have claimed that consuming less meat lowers the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, and other conditions even though some lean meats can be excellent sources of protein.
Meats from animals, particularly red and processed meats, are linked to inflammation brought on by saturated fat. Your body naturally responds to dangers by becoming inflamed. The inflammation is caused after a meal of animal products which cause the bloodstream to be soiled by bacterial toxins called endotoxins. Where does the bacteria come from? The answer is simple- our own gut. It has been found that the fat that accompanies animal protein from meat causes your gut lining to leak, from where the bacteria sneak out and mix with the bloodstream. Periodic inflammation may not be harmful, but persistent inflammation has been connected to a number of grave illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.
Plant Protein vs Whey Protein
Plant-based proteins present a clear advantage in the digestibility arena, outperforming their animal-based counterparts. They not only sidestep the cholesterol and saturated fat overload that often accompanies animal-derived whey proteins but also offer a solution to those plagued by lactose intolerance. Even if you are not exactly allergic, excessive indulgence in lactose-laden products can overturn your digestive system.
Hold tight though, for there’s an intriguing twist in this nutritional take. Whey proteins are the more formidable contender in the protein content arena, showcase a remarkable abundance of essential amino acids. This advantage on the protein front tends to tip the scales in favor of whey.
Plant-based proteins, despite their nutritional prowess, often come at a heftier price tag. The intricacies of their production and the limited quantities they yield result in a premium positioning on the market. Whey, on the other hand, stands as a recognizable commodity, extracted in abundance and available at a more modest price point.
Whatever option you select, be careful to read the label. Artificial thickeners, artificial flavours, artificial colours, and artificial sweeteners are among the additional components that many protein powders, both whey and plant-based, may contain.
How to Consume Plant Based Protein Powder?
It is generally advised to take one to two scoops of plant-based protein powder per day which may be added to your regular smoothie or porridge, or combined with only milk or water. It also must be consumed at the appropriate time- it can aid in muscle repair after exercise and can promote overnight muscle development if taken before bed.
Top Picks for Plant Based Protein
1. California Gold Nutrition, SPORT – Plant-Based Protein, Chocolate

California Gold Nutrition, SPORT – Plant-Based Protein, Chocolate | Hitrendsetter
This plant based protein powder is very easy to digest because of its ingredients of natural fibres like flaxseed, chia seeds and sprouted black rice. The powder comes in a tasty chocolate flair which makes it more enjoyable while ingesting. It also has no composition of artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners. The lack of any animal based product makes it highly suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
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2. Garden of Life, RAW Organic Protein, Plant-Based, Chocolate

Garden of Life, RAW Organic Protein, Plant-Based, Chocolate | Hitrendsetter
This organic plant based product is a pure and complete protein with all the essential amino acids. It has 0g sugar and 22g protein in its nutritional list. In addition to it being vegan certified, it is also gluten free and Kosher. The protein helps you fuel and build up after an intense workout.
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3. Dr. Murray’s, SuperFoods, 3 Seed

Dr. Murray’s, SuperFoods, 3 Seed | Hitrendsetter
This plant based protein blend is completely vegan friendly and is highly beneficial for those with lactose intolerance. It has no soy content, dairy, or gluten which makes it a great option for anyone who deals with related allergies. The blend is also Keto friendly, which means that it can be used on intensive diets too.
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Plant based proteins have opened the market to the ever increasing number of vegans who want the required nutrition but do not want to incur animal based protein in their diets. It wouldn’t be wrong to term them as the pioneers of dietary revolution for the vegans. Check out these plant based protein products on iHerb today and kick start your journey towards fitness. For more information, visit HiTrendSetter.