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A Complete Guide to Choosing The Best Menstrual Cup for Your Body

by admin


Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in every woman’s life. For most of us, this means experiencing an uncomfortable and inconvenient flow for around a week every month. Unfortunately, the standard ‘period’ product doesn’t really do much to make our lives easier during those seven days of blood letting, which is why some women choose to use a menstrual cup instead. Menstrual cups are bell-shaped insertable vessels that collect the blood instead of absorbing it like traditional sanitary products. They are made from medical-grade silicone and can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time without causing any itching or irritation. Menstrual cups are not just more comfortable than tampons and pads, but they also have several benefits such as:

A few things to know before buying a menstrual cup

– Materials: The materials used in the manufacture of a menstrual cup can vary from one brand to another. While some are made from medical-grade silicone, others are made with latex or thermoplastic elastomer. Although, the FDA has approved the use of medical-grade silicone for menstrual cups, it isn’t the only option. Some of the best menstrual cups are made from TPE, which is a type of rubber that is cheaper to produce. When choosing a menstrual cup, it’s important to read the description and see what materials are used. – Cleaning: You should clean your menstrual cup either with a mild soap or water and mild soap. Avoid products that contain bleach, alcohol, or iodine, as they can damage the silicone. You can also clean your cup in a boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Although, it is advised that you do this after your period is over. – Storage: You should store your menstrual cup in a clean, dry place so that it doesn’t collect any dust or other microorganisms. Some people prefer to keep it in the original packaging, while others use a small cloth bag or a special menstrual cup case. – Size: Menstrual cups are usually sized based on your age and whether or not you’ve given birth. You should consult the manufacturer’s website to find out which size is best for you. You can also use the sizing chart to find the right fit.

Types of Menstrual Cups

– Menstrual Cup with Handle: This kind of cup has a large handle that makes it easy to remove. These cups are usually larger in size and can be useful for women who have given birth. – Menstrual Cup with Stem: This kind of cup has a long stem sticking out from the bottom that makes it easy to remove the cup. These cups are usually smaller in size, which makes them ideal for women who are still young and haven’t given birth. – Menstrual Cup without Stem: This is the most common type of cup. It doesn’t have a stem, but instead, has a ball at the bottom that makes it easy to remove the cup. – Menstrual Cup without Handle: This is a smaller cup without a handle that makes it easy to remove the cup. This is great for women who haven’t given birth.

Eco-friendly and affordable

The fact that menstrual cups are reusable means you don’t have to keep buying new ones every month. Once you’ve bought the best menstrual cup, you can use it for years to come. In fact, many people estimate that they save money because they don’t have to buy pads or tampons. – Menstrual Cups are Environmentally Friendly: Let’s face it: Thousands of women use sanitary products every single day. Unfortunately, disposable products like pads and tampons are bad for the environment because they’re not biodegradable. Menstrual cups, on the other hand, are completely eco-friendly. They don’t cause any pollution, and you can just throw them away with your regular garbage. – Menstrual Cups are Inexpensive: Pads and tampons are very expensive. You have to change them every few hours and have to buy a new box each month. Menstrual cups, on the other hand, last for years and only have to be replaced once every 10 years. – Menstrual Cups are Easy to Clean: Pads and tampons are incredibly hard to clean. You have to wash them thoroughly and then leave them to dry before you can use them again. Menstrual cups, on the other hand, require you to sterilize them between uses. They’re easy to clean and don’t need to be washed thoroughly.

Discreet and comfortable

– Menstrual Cups are Discreet: Let’s face it: Nobody wants to talk about their period. You can easily hide a menstrual cup inside your underwear, and nobody will ever know that you’re wearing one. – Menstrual Cups are Comfortable: Pads and tampons often cause itching, rashes, and chafing. Menstrual cups don’t cause any of these problems. They are comfortable to wear and easy to clean. – Menstrual Cups don’t Mess with your pH Balance: Disposable products like tampons can mess with your pH balance and cause yeast infections. Menstrual cups don’t cause any of these problems. They are easy to clean so that they don’t collect bacteria or cause yeast infections.

Four Tips before Choosing a Menstrual Cup

– Check the Reviews: You should always read the reviews before buying a menstrual cup. You can find these online on Amazon or in your favorite menstrual cup brand’s website. You can learn about other people’s experiences and discover if the product is right for you. – Consider your Body Type: You should select a menstrual cup in accordance with your body type. You should either choose a smaller menstrual cup or a larger size depending on your anatomy. If you have given birth, you should get a larger cup. – Consider your Flow: You should choose a menstrual cup based on how heavy your flow is. If you have a light flow, then any cup will do the job. However, if you have a heavy flow, you should go for a menstrual cup with a higher capacity. – Consider your Budget: You should select a menstrual cup that is within your budget. You can find menstrual cups for as little as $10, but you can also find high-quality cups for $50 or even $100.

Three Things to Avoid when Choosing a Menstrual Cup

– Menstrual Cups with an Expensive Brand Name: Some companies charge an arm and a leg for their menstrual cups, but they aren’t better than cheaper brands. You should avoid these expensive menstrual cups and go for a cheaper brand. – Menstrual Cups with an Expensive Shipping Fee: Some companies charge an arm and a leg for shipping. You should avoid these companies because it is a waste of money. – Menstrual Cups with an Expensive Replacement Policy: Some companies charge an arm and a leg for the replacement policy. You should avoid these companies because it is a waste of money.

Two Things to Consider when Choosing a Menstrual Cup

– Menstrual Cup Materials: You should select a menstrual cup made from a high-quality silicone. Some menstrual cups are made from cheap silicone, but they are usually very porous and don’t last as long as they should. – Menstrual Cup Sizes: You should choose a menstrual cup in accordance with your anatomy. If you’ve given birth, you should get a larger cup.

Three Things to Keep in Mind when Choosing a Menstrual Cup

– Menstrual Cup is long-lasting: You can use a menstrual cup for several years. They are durable and easy to clean. – Menstrual Cup doesn’t cause infections: Unlike pads and tampons, menstrual cups don’t cause infections. They are easy to clean and don’t collect bacteria. – Menstrual Cup is more economical: You can save a lot of money if you switch from tampons to menstrual cups.


Menstrual cups are an excellent alternative to pads and tampons. They are eco-friendly and last for years. There are several types of menstrual cups to choose from, including those with and without stems, handles, and those made from latex or silicone. Take your time to read the reviews, consider your needs, and choose a menstrual cup that is right for you. You can save money

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