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How to Use Social Sites to Get a Job in Tech

by admin

If you’re in the job market, searching for a job in tech might seem impossible. But the truth is that there are plenty of roles out there for those with the skills to back them up. The real challenge is breaking through all of the noise and getting noticed by the right people. If you want to get a job in tech, you’ll need to stand out from the crowd, which means identifying your strengths and finding target companies that will be impressed by your resume and cover letter.

With so many people trying to get into tech at the same time, it can feel like an uphill struggle. However, there are plenty of opportunities if you know where to look and how best to sell yourself as an employee rather than just another CV. This article explains how using LinkedIn can help you find a job in tech, along with insider tips on how to stand out when applying and increase your chances of being hired when interviewing.

Get Noticed With A Great Resume

When it comes to getting noticed, it all starts with your resume. A poorly written resume that lacks the right keywords and doesn’t clearly describe your career path and relevant experience is unlikely to impress hiring managers, even if you are the best candidate for the job. With a growing number of job seekers applying for roles, you’ll have to make sure your resume stands out. Get yourself a copy of The Resume Handbook.

This is the ultimate guide to writing an effective resume, and it’s packed with useful tips, examples, and resume templates that you can use to create your own professional document. You’ll find everything from how to structure each section of your resume to which fonts and colors to use to make your document stand out. It also includes advice on which skills to priorities, which formats you can use, and how to make the best of your experience and education. This is an essential resource for anyone looking to make the most of their resume.

Networking Is Key

Networking is an essential part of the job hunt, and it’s something you should be doing long before you even think about sending out your resume. You might think networking is something you do at events, but it can also be as simple as connecting with people online. Not only will it give you a chance to connect with people in the industry, but it can also help you find out which companies have hiring plans in the future. A quick search online will reveal plenty of groups and online networks where you can connect with other people in tech and find out what’s going on in the industry.

It’s also a good idea to join any professional networks related to your field. This will give you access to information about upcoming job opportunities, along with insights from other industry professionals that can help guide your career path. When it comes to networking, it’s important to remember that quality is better than quantity. Rather than trying to connect with as many people as possible, use your time wisely by connecting with the right people.

3 Tips For Networking Success

  1. Do your research before you get in touch with anyone. Find out who you need to talk to and what they are looking for. This will help you make a stronger connection.
  2. Always be genuine. This is not the time to try out a new sales pitch or push your strengths and achievements. Be yourself and show people who you really are. The more authentic you are, the more likely it is that people will want to help you out.
  3. Ask for what you want. You might feel uncomfortable asking for assistance or advice, but this is what networking is all about. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. You’ll only get out what you put in when it comes to networking.

Show Your Programming Skills

When you’re applying for a job in tech, it’s important to demonstrate your programming skills. You can’t expect potential employers to take your word for it, so you need to show them in the best possible way. One of the best ways to demonstrate your programming skills is by creating a portfolio with examples of your work. This could take the form of a programming project that you’ve completed, or it could be a selection of programming projects you’ve contributed to.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it’s relevant to the types of roles you want to be considered for. Don’t just rely on your resume and portfolio. Show your programming skills in your cover letter too. Be as specific as possible when describing your programming experience and the tools, languages, and programming methods you’ve used. If you’re applying for a role that requires a specific programming language, make sure you include it in your cover letter.

Showcase Your UX and Design Abilities

When you’re applying for roles in tech, you need to show that you’re more than capable of delivering technical solutions to business problems. You also need to demonstrate that you have an eye for design and an understanding of the UX design processes. If you don’t have experience designing and delivering UX solutions, that’s okay. The majority of hiring managers understand that, and they will be more interested in your ability to adapt and learn quickly than they are in your past experience. However, you can still showcase your design and UX abilities by including examples of your work in your resume and cover letter. If you’ve been part of a team that has delivered a product or solution in the past, include examples of your work in your resume. If you haven’t yet worked on a project, consider creating your own design challenge and designing a solution.


Getting a job in tech is challenging for many reasons. There are far more job seekers than there are job openings, and it’s a highly competitive industry with rigorous standards and high expectations. That’s why it’s important to stand out from the crowd. A well-written resume is an excellent start, but you’ll also need to demonstrate your programming skills and show that you have an eye for design too. All of these skills can be showcased in your resume, cover letter, and online presence.

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